Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Living Life to the Fullest

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

There is a moment in everyone’s life where they realize that death is a real and solid event, not some far away thought that will eventually happen. Maybe a near brush with death, or a relative dying, or maybe even the heartbreak of losing a friend can be the bonk over the head that some people need to realize that life is to be lived. For some individuals, they go through life dreading their dying moment; they think of life as the fragile barrier between us and the dead, so what is the point of living, if just to die, they ask. It echoes in the minds of people all over the world, as they try to come to terms with the fact that someday, they will no longer be alive.
For me, the want to die overshadowed my will to live and it took me twelve long months to realize that I needed to believe in living, so that I may be a success when I die. I didn’t want to go through that thought-process of figuring out what I wanted in life and whom I wanted to be remembered as. I had promised myself that it wouldn’t matter if I suddenly was gone, never to return; But in the back of my mind, I knew I wanted to experience, dream, love, achieve, become, marvel; Simply live. I believe in living life to the fullest and utmost, taking each adventure and running with it, and I make it my mission to bring others into that love of life circle.
The want to survive in this vicious world is the force behind every life on this planet. From the newborn fetus in the woman’s belly, to the starving grandmothers in Africa, the drive to survive is the beauty that unites us all. Now maybe you would argue that, you are indeed living. You are breathing, eating, talking and walking so what more is there to do? That my friend, is the question that only you can ask yourself. For if you are to be among the living, then you must truly experience life.
Everyone has heard of a bucket list, but not many are prone to write down all their desires and dreams. You might think it is stupid or that you could never check off any of the items, I know that is what I used to think. But as a wise woman told me one time, “it takes courage to live, to step out on a limb and believe enough in yourself to let yourself go”. That is what most people are lacking in their daily life: the courage to live. Because just walking and breathing is not living to your full potential. Exploring, seeking, laughing, crying, experiencing – create the list of what you would like to achieve and then set out to accomplish it.
I believe in life. The kind of living that occurs when you realize that tomorrow is never known and may change in the blink of an eye. The living that isn’t about finding yourself, but more about being the person you have always wanted to be. To live life to the fullest is my belief and may all the citizens of this world come together to celebrate it with me.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most... We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Monday, October 17, 2011

Here is a great link to look at...

101 Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest

Your Lifestyle Stress

Stress, stress, stress. Everyone has it and not many people are good at handling the pressures that come with a busy lifestyle. Usually people deal with these stresses in a variety of different ways. Some tend to have nervous breakdowns when life squeezes, others bottle everything up inside, becoming a tense and skittish person. Still others try and deal with stress in unhealthy ways, such as drinking, drugs, ect.

So here are some simple, healthy ways that can be used to alleviate stress:

1. A BIG stress reliever is exercise. Studies have shown that an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour of physical activity a day (ie: running on the treadmill, walking with a friend through your neighborhood) can help with easing the buildup of stress. Just imagine your worries slipping away as you pound out the miles - with an added bonus of being a great weight lose program too!!

2. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat well balanced meals. A sharp mind and body are fueled by the energy that is manufactured from our food. Thus, eating McDonalds 24/7 (which is packed full of carbs and sugars with very little fiber or protien) is probably not going to go far in helping with keeping you alert throughout the day. Also, sugary diets are not good with keeping your body going all day long. The sugar spike will keep you awake for a little while, but when that starts to wear off, you are left with a "sugar hangover" like no other. So eat your greens (vegetables), lots of fresh fruit, and plenty of clean water.

3. BREATHE!!! Not many people stop for a second in their frantic rushing around to just take a full breath of air. Taking that one minute out of your micromanaged lifestyle could be the key to unlocking your personal stress reliever. So just take a moment right now to clear your mind and meditate, pray, ect. I swear, it will help!!

These three simple distressing tips is an attempt to ease the crushing wight of responsibility's and stress in your daily life. These techniques can be used and implemented into your lifestyle with no humongous changes seen and can be used throughout the day.

So today I challenge you to take your dog for a walk, eat an apple and simply breathe.

Friday, October 7, 2011

How would you die?

Do you ever wonder what you would do if you only had 6 months to live? If you knew the exact moment at which you would die?

What would you DO??

For some people, it would be to curl up in a corner. For they are the ones with no drive to continue.
For others it would be to spend the time with family. For they are the ones that put family first.
For still others, to be with their God would be enough. For they are the people who are grounded in their spirituality.

But for me, I would live. I would actually experience the leaps that would otherwise be considered too risky. To walk the tightrope across Niagara Falls, as some people would say. I would decide to do all the things that have been in the back of my mind but that I was to scared to go through on. I would complete the list of my life. The legacy I would leave. My bucket list of sorts.

I would see the wonders of the world. The colors mixing in a sunset, creating the portrait of the sky. I would walk the sands of the beaches, marveling in way the water carves the landscape. I would simply stand on a mountaintop, silent and still in awe of the view. I would see the Tibetan flags waving and the Russian children playing. I would hear the silence of a temple in Thailand and and the elephants stomping on the plains of Africa. The laugh of a teenager in Ireland and the cry of a babe in Saudi Arabia. I would like to hear the stories of a grandmother in Brazil and the wisdom of the old man in Germany. To taste the spiciness of the curry in India but the sweetness of cakes in Italy.
To see, taste, touch the wonders and undiscovered places of this great world. So I would die a person who has the dirt of adventure on her feet and the breath of fullness in her lungs. I would like to be buried having known the happiness of a baby's laugh and the tears of a wife who's husband was killed in war. I would know the heartache of the struggling and maybe, just maybe I could leave a mark on someones life. I would change that one life for the better, so even though I would be gone, my spirit could live on in the life of a touched person.

I would die a person that saw. A person who listened. A person who loved. A person who was. A person who experienced. A person with a legacy.